I’m Juan Luis Rosa Ramos

After 15 years of working as a computer engineer in the media industry, I decided to quit my CTO position and study for the Master of Artificial Intelligence. At that time, I was fascinated with how Google could understand and classify my gallery of photos. Nevertheless,  it was impossible for me to understand how they did it. After a hard search I found that they were using something called Artificial Intelligence and since then, every day is a new learning journey. After studying the Msc I decided to be a freelancer because I wanted to participate in as many projects as possible and also I want to be specialized as much as possible in developing AI via deeplearning. Nowadays I only want to do code as  much as possible as in my life I’ve already do web, mobile, digital marketing, analytics, ERPs, PM in cascade/agile, budgeting, hiring, managing and much more. Since 2019, and to increase my networking I found AI local chapters in my city, Barcelona. I am the founder and organiser of Barcelona AI community

After my thesis, I decided to be centered in computer vision and work in Python. I mostly do deeplearning but I use it as a tool because trust in data. I’m concerned with the problem of bias and generalisation, I deploy robust models and not overfitting solutions. I love to code full pipelines and build my own datasets. I’m also used in data science tools (yes, some Pandas) and constantly try to stay on the SOTA having a look at the research to do applied AI. Because of that, I’m very used to trying open source code and frameworks I never stay in a final solution or metrics. But I’m fast and i’m capable of providing infraestructures and do multi GPUs training in different cloud providers. 

I’m also concerned with the low-wage salaries that big companies are paying to data curators so, I avoid those companies. I’m building my taggers team and trying to teach them and pay a fair wage. 

See more details of my career at my Linkedin profile