Showing 4 Result(s)

Deeplearning face analysis pipeline conclusions

The aim of this post is to provide some numbers and recommendations after successfully fine tuning a face analysis model for a car/truck driver analysis startup. The objective was to analyse the emotions/sentiments of the drivers in a very controlled environment (a car) for inferring it’s mood. So, having an still image of the driver …

I trained a racist Artificial Intelligence

First of all, once again, let me apologise for my titling, I am starting to think that it is a bad habit acquired after too many years working in media companies. Secondly, I wasn’t aware of how easy is to fall in biased deep learning until I saw it with my eyes and thirdly it …

Studying a MSc in Artificial Intelligence

On September 2017 I started studying a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence in the UPC School of Barcelona as I was an outlier student I would like share my experience and maybe help someone to take decisions. What do I mean by an outlier? I had 41 years with 15 years of working experience most of …

Artificial Intelligence is easy because I do it.

First time I saw the great update of march 2015 in Android Google Photos I knew something was happening and I knew that it was passing far away from me. Google was recognising and classifying images as it was text how can this happen? It took me time to barely have some notions and starting pointing my …